
Mr Filter Warranty Policies and FAQ
Products are supplied within the Commonwealth of Australia and its territories under the following conditions, applicable from date of purchase, subject to exclusions as shown below.
Warranty is for a period of 12 months or 20,000 kilometres from the date of sale, whichever occurs first.
Mr Filter warrants each part supplied to be free, under normal use and maintenance, from defects in material and workmanship according to the warranty conditions during the warranty period.
The terms of this warranty supersede and exclude all warranties, rights and remedies implied by law to the extent that such warranties, rights and remedies may lawfully be excluded.
Mr Filter obligations under this warranty and the Trade Practices Act 1974 are limited to the extent that is lawfully repairing or replacing at Mr Filter option the part or any part thereof subject to:
( i ) The part being returned to the place of business.
( ii ) Mr Filter being satisfied that the part is defective as a result of workmanship or material..
(iii) Packaging must be free of damage and be in saleable condition.
Mr Filter shall not be liable for damages for loss of profit or use in any circumstances whatsoever.
Mr Filter staff cannot verbally promise to honour any warranty.
Mr Filter obligation under this warranty is limited to the credit of the purchase price or replacement of the original part.
Cost for the removal and replacement of the part is not included.
Other fees and charges not covered by warranty include, but not limited to the following: Labour, retrieval fees, travel time, mileage, call out fee, incidental expenses, hire of plant, vehicles, machinery, lost time, lost profit, and other miscellaneous expenses.
Mr Filter requires parts for inspection and evaluation by our engineering department, before any warranty undertaking is given.
Parts may be independently inspected and a report produced at our discretion.
Any subsequent report is subject to privacy laws, and will not be forwarded or contents made available to customers.
Payments for approved warranties will be by the same method as originally paid for e.g. paid by cheque then a cheque will be drawn from us to you. The value of parts reimbursed will be the same as that paid by the customer at the time of the original purchase (i.e. net price).
Units subjected to water damage will be rejected immediately
Common Causes
- A Genuine Fault with the Product
- Air Lock in Product (Grease Equipment)
- User Error
- Blockage within the Product
Brand Regulation: STM, Alemlube, Macnaught, Equipco, Aflow, SP Tools;
- Need a Proof Of Purchase POP (Receipt from Mr Filter)
- The Supplier will need to come out to Mr Filter, or for Mr Filter to Send to Supplier for Assessment.
- Time duration is dependant on the circumstance and state of the Product. Common Time Frame is between 1-5 Days
Common Causes
- A Genuine Fault with the Product
- Incorrect Fuel Type
- User Error
- Squashed Hose/Gun
- Incorrect Oil
Brand Regulation: Australian Pump Industries, SP Tools;
- Need a Proof Of Purchase POP (Receipt from Mr Filter)
- The Supplier will need to come out to Mr Filter, or for Mr Filter to Send to Supplier for Assessment.
- Time duration is dependant on the circumstance and state of the Product. Common Time Frame is between 1-5 Days
Common Causes
- A Genuine Fault with the Product
- Water Damage
- User Error
- Cracked Plastic
- Tag Test Failed
Brand Regulation: T & E Tools, SP Tools, Narva, LED Auto Lamps, Vexel, Cooldrive Distribution;
- Need a Proof Of Purchase POP (Receipt from Mr Filter)
- The Supplier will need to come out to Mr Filter, or for Mr Filter to Send to Supplier for Assessment.
- Time duration is dependant on the circumstance and state of the Product. Common Time Frame is between 1-5 Days
Common Causes
- A Genuine Fault with the Product
- Water Damage
- User Error
- Broken
- Bent
Brand Regulation: T & E Tools, SP Tools, Grip, Auszgrip, Knippex, Tolsen ;
- Need a Proof Of Purchase POP (Receipt from Mr Filter)
- The Supplier will need to come out to Mr Filter, or for Mr Filter to Send to Supplier for Assessment. (Images are Acceptable)
- Time duration is dependant on the circumstance and state of the Product. Common Time Frame is between 1-5 Days
- Most Tools have Lifetime Warranty that can be replaced on the spot
Common Causes
- A Genuine Fault with the Product
- Water Damage
- User Error
- Broken
- Bent
Brand Regulation: Beaver Brands, Auzgrip, Auslift, Sunny Lifting ;
- Need a Proof Of Purchase POP (Receipt from Mr Filter)
- The Supplier will need to come out to Mr Filter, or for Mr Filter to Send to Supplier for Assessment.
- Time duration is dependant on the circumstance and state of the Product. Common Time Frame is between 1-5 Days
Alternative Options;
- If the Customer requires the Product on the spot, the Customer is required to purchase a new one.
- If the Warranty Item Tests Faulty, the Customer will receive a refund for the Product in question.
- If the Warranty Item Tests Ok, then the Customer will have to wear the cost of 2 Items Caused by another issue which voids Warranty Terms and Conditions.
- Fill out the Mr Filter Warranty Form
- Tag the Item with the Warranty ID Number
- Contact the Supplier to advise if;
- They are coming to assess
- If we have to send to the Supplier
- On The Spot Replacement
- If Results are A Above, Place item in the Warranty Department with the Paperwork in the Current Warranties Folder.
- If Results are B Above,
- Indicate on the Warranty Form how the Product is going to be sent
- (sent to Supplier on …..)
- Photocopy the Warranty Form
- Organise with the Warehouse for it to be sent to the Supplier
- Indicate on the Warranty Form how the Product is going to be sent
- If Results are C Above,
- Provide the Customer with an On The Spot Replacement
- Create a Credit note for the Item, so that our Accounts can follow the Credit up.
- Bin the faulty product (If Supplier Advised)
- Place the Original Warranty Form in the Current Warranties Folder
Common Causes
- A Genuine Fault with the Product
- Water Damage
- User Error
- Broken Pump
- Pump Burned Out
- Pump Sucked up Something
Brand Regulation: Rapid Spray;
- Need a Proof Of Purchase POP (Receipt from Mr Filter)
- The Supplier will need to come out to Mr Filter, or for Mr Filter to Send to Supplier for Assessment.
- Time duration is dependant on the circumstance and state of the Product. Common Time Frame is between 1-5 Days
- Mr Filter to Assess Pump briefly (Instructions below)
Alternative Options;
- If the Customer requires the Product on the spot, the Customer is required to purchase a new one.
- If the Product Tests Faulty then the Customer will receive a refund for the Product in question.
- If the Product Tests Ok, then the Customer will have to wear the cost of 2 Items Caused by another issue by the user.
- Fill out the Mr Filter Warranty Form
- Tag the Item with the Warranty ID Number
- Check the Fuse Holder to see if the Fuse Burned out
- If it is burned out, it is more than likely something is wrong with the Pump
- Test another Fuse to make sure it is the Pump
- Open the back of the Pump with an Allen Key to see if the mechanism inside has been rubbing on the plate that you just pulled off.
- Pull out the loose pieces inside that spin and see if there is anything unusual
- Send Photos with the Bat Phone to our Supplier to assess what is wrong.
- Replace with new Pump
- Advise of a simple task and assemble for test
- User Error
- If Results are A Above, Provide the Customer with a new Pump
- Create a Credit Note for the Item, so that our Accounts can follow the Credit up.
- If Results are B Above, make some time throughout the Day/Week to proceed with the requirement of the Supplier.
- If Results are C Above, Advise the Customer of the situation and what to do from this point.
- Bin the faulty product (If Supplier Advised)
- Place the Original Warranty Form in the Completed Warranties Folder
Common Causes
- A Genuine Fault with the Battery
- Something is Draining the Battery
- Alternator
- Left Lights On
- Using UHF without Engine Running for a Long Period of time
- User Error
Brand Regulation: Century Batteries (Besco);
- Need a Proof Of Purchase POP (Receipt from Mr Filter)
- Battery needs to have charge
- If it does not have charge, then it needs to be left to charge overnight at Mr Filter, or charged by Customer
- Needs to be tested with the Century Battery Tester.
- Our Century Representative will provide the corrective action based on the test results.
- Time duration is dependant on the circumstance and state of the battery. Common Time Frame is between 1-5 Days
- If Battery is used in a Truck/Commercial Warranty 12 Months
Alternative Options;
- If the Customer requires the Battery on the spot, the Customer is required to purchase a new Battery which;
- If the Battery Tests Faulty then the Customer will receive a refund for the Battery in question.
- If the battery Tests Ok, then the Customer will have to wear the cost of 2 Batteries Caused by another issue with the Vehicle/Machine.
These are the Mandatory Requirements of Mr Filter in Conjunction with Century Yuasa Batteries to Ensure the Warranty Procedure is carried out effectively with Batteries.
- Fill out the Mr Filter Warranty Form
- Tag the Battery with the Warranty ID Number
- Test the Battery with the Century Battery Tester
- It will Pass
- It will Fail
- It will say to charge the Battery for a proper test
- If Results are A or B above, then contact Century for a confirmation of replacement
- If Results are C Above, then put the Battery on charge in the Battery Warranty Department for the Test to be Effective.
Common Causes
- A Genuine Fault with the Filter (RARE)
- Wrong Fitment
- Cross Thread
- Not Tightened Enough
- User Error
Brand Regulation: Sakura, Baldwin, Mann, Fleetguard, Donaldson, Filtrec, Wesfil, Ryco, Parker;
- Need a Proof Of Purchase POP (Receipt from Mr Filter)
- Need Faulty Filter back
- Send back to the Supplier for Assessment
- Need as much Information as possible to scope what happened
- Time duration is dependant on the circumstance and state of the battery. Common Time Frame is between 1-5 Days
Alternative Options;
- If the Customer requires the Filter on the spot, the Customer is required to purchase a new Filter which;
- If the Filter Tests Faulty then the Customer will receive a refund for the Filter in question.
- If the Filter Tests Ok, then the Customer will have to wear the cost of 2 Filters Caused by another issue with the Vehicle/Machine/User Error.
These are the Mandatory Requirements of Mr Filter in Conjunction with our Filter Suppliers to Ensure the Warranty Procedure is carried out effectively
- Fill out the Mr Filter Warranty Form
- Tag the Item with the Warranty ID Number
- Advise Management of what has happened
- Contact the Supplier to advise if;
- They are coming to assess
- If we have to send to Supplier
- On The Spot Replacement
- If Results are A Above, Place item in the Warranty Department with the Paperwork in the Current Warranties Folder.
- If Results are B Above,
- Indicate on the Warranty Form how the Product is going to be sent
- (sent to Supplier on …..)
- Photocopy the Warranty Form
- Organise with the Warehouse for it to be sent to the Supplier
- Indicate on the Warranty Form how the Product is going to be sent
- If Results are C Above,
- Provide the Customer with an On The Spot Replacement
- Create a Credit note for the Item, so that our Accounts can follow the Credit up.
- Bin the faulty product (If Supplier Advised)
- Place the Original Warranty Form in the Current Warranties Folder
If there is an underlying issue with the way our Supplier Conducts there Credits, Mr Filter is not Liable as we are reliant on the Quality and Service that the Supplier Provides. Mr Filter will ensure that all Suppliers are meeting Customer Satisfaction Requirements so that our Customer can proceed in using the product in its entirety.
The Customer is required to return the item to a Mr Filter Store, for Warranty Procedure to commence. If pick up is required, you will have to put through a request to Management for approval.
If the Customer is in Great Urgency of the item, refer to management who will take over the Warranty Matter and handle accordingly depending on the circumstance.